NO MORE NIGHT – David Phelps

Watch this video on YouTube   NO MORE PAIN – David Phelps I love this song about Heaven, where there will be no more night, no pain, no tears and no crying anymore. This hope makes my heart rejoice. This hope makes me patience in trials and faithful in...


  Blog written by Dina and translated by Jakoba Sevdal Do you ever feel hopeless or disappointed? You thought, you expected, and you tried? It felt like you were standing over a puzzle with several bricks missing and a blurred overall picture of how to go from...


  Blogg witten by Dinu Jensdóttir Bech. Not many videos have been posted lately. The reason is because I have been working on an exciting project! I am working on translating the blog into english. The plan is to make the blog bilingual. With Faroese you have to...