Blogg witten by Dinu Jensdóttir Bech.

Not many videos have been posted lately. The reason is because I have been working on an exciting project!

I am working on translating the blog into english. The plan is to make the blog bilingual. With Faroese you have to translate everything manually, and this can be very time consuming.

BUT I think it is very exciting and can create more opportunities, since there are more english speaking newcomers and tourists in the Faroe Islands.

Also my heart goes out to missionary children and couples, who are bilingual. Here english can support them to understand Faroese better.

I am also thinking about family and friends, in other countries, who do not speak or understand any Faroese.


My prayer is that the Lord may lead and bless this work and give me wisdom.


Prayer for this work would be greatly appreciated.

Please pray that the Lord may give wisdom, power and the necessary support. 


Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. – Psalm 127,1


If you do have any questions or ideas, please feel free to message me here





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